Oh hello! My name is Erin and I’m a 23 year old Mechanical Engineer living with my husband in Boulder Colorado 🙂  I’ve got an insane passion for food and fitness; but I’ve also got some serious back issues and a job where I sit at a desk most of my 9 hour work day.  My goal? Trying to incorporate my huge appetite and healthy lifestyle into the workplace, and blog about how I manage to avoid the “typical office norms”: being too sedentary, eating from the work-provided snack bar, eating poorly or having fast food lunches, and frequently indulging in the “BYO desserts”…

I’m a complete foodie and I love to cook, but I’m also very crunched for time.  I may not have the best diet. I may not have the most extravagant meals at work.  I may somewhat repeat ingredients and meals throughout the week.  I may even bring… dare I say it?…. YES!… a frozen dinner!! *gasp*

But, I will show how I deal with all these and how I make some typical office spreads a bit more healthy!