One of the not so great things about living in Boulder is the fact that we frequently get these HUGE wind spurts since we’re right near the base of the mountains. Well, last night was one of them and HOLY COW I thought the apartment was going to fall down! So… definitely didn’t sleep much last night. Fail.

Pre-workout I had a banana and some Pumpkin Spice Almond Butter – this stuff. Seriously. Rocks my socks off!


Workout: 3 x 12 modified pushups, 3 x 12 assisted pull-ups, 3 x 12 assisted bench dips, 3 x 12 lat pull downs, 3 x 12 tricep pushdowns, 3 x 12 glute machine, 3 x 12 calf extensions (~30 mins)

30 mins elliptical: total – 280 cals (kind of a slow/relaxing cardio day)

When I got to work, I whipped me up a pretty random bowl of yogurt! I packed most of it last night and threw a few walnuts, ~ 1T chia seeds, ~3T rolled oats, and lots of cinnamon in a baggie and then sliced up some strawberries. I mixed this all with a container of Fage 2% Strawberry, and topped it off with about a third of the strawberry jam that comes with it. I had this with LOTS of coffee – I sooooo needed that this morning.


A Cranberry Almond Kind Bar was also consumed as a midmorning snack… I freaking love these things!

kind bar

For lunch, I packed a tuna salad sandwich – a can of chunk light (in water), mixed with chopped carrot sticks, spinach, bell pepper, jalapeno peppers, broccoli, red cabbage, and a teeny squirt of Dijon Mustard (instead of mayo). If mustard isn’t your thing, I’ve made this before with mixing in hummus –swap some o’ the bad fat with the good! Smile I had this with an apple as well.

tuna salad sandwich

This afternoon was insanely slow… not much to do at all today. I made myself some tea just so I wouldn’t start noshing on anything around me to pass the time (hello!? – there’s PB in my snack stash! THAT could be deadly during pure boredom!)

I also broke off a little piece of a free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Zone Perfect Bar (I got one in the mail). I was a bit skeptical of the ingredient list (just a TON of things…), but hey… it was free so I thought I’d at least TRY the thing. BIG mistake – that was the most disgusting bar I’ve ever tasted…sort of chewy, very chalky, and completely disintegrates in your mouth like cotton candy(???). wthcrud. Will not be buying that. Ever.


On a happier note, I got a call letting me know that I won a raffle from the Farmers Market last weekend! I get a free loaf of Chocolate Zucchini Bread from Outrageous Baking (Gluten Free Bakery).  Omygosh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this place – their bread is absolutely fantastic and even though I’m not on a gluten free diet, I’d happily eat these things all the time Smile.  All natural ingredients, no wheat, no gluten, no soy… The Pumpkin and Chocolate ones are my favorite, but they’re all excellent!

Hope you have a much less windy night than I will (earplugs are needed for sleep!).  Now time to sit down, relax, have dinner, and catch up on some of The Biggest Loser and Raising Hope (absolutely HILARIOUS btw…).